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Pregnancy Testing 

Quantitative beta HCG pregnancy testing will be done 14- 15 days after the embryo transfer. This blood test is the only way of monitoring early pregnancy and should be done in the morning with the patient fasting. The results are usually available by late afternoon.

The luteal phase support ( progesterone) continues if the pregnancy test is positive.

Two days after an initial positive or weakly positive pregnancy test a second blood test is done. This enables us to determine if the pregnancy is progressing along the normal course. The HCG level should double every two to three days.

An ultrasound examination is performed approximately 10 days after the positive pregnancy test. This early ultrasound is critical to confirm an intrauterine pregnancy and to look for a possible multiple pregnancy.

A second USG is done 1 week later to determine the presence of fetal heartbeat.

If the pregnancy test is negative, the progesterone is discontinued. The patient will get a period within three to five days, if she has not already started bleeding. This period may be different from the normal period. If one does not get a period within one week, the blood test has to be repeated.








Success Rates

Overall, success rates for IVF/ICSI have steadily improved over the last ten years.

 Success rates are influenced not only by the level of expertise of the medical team but also by the characteristics of the patients treated. While there are many talented doctors/individuals in this field, there are none with supernatural powers.

Good statistics can be obtained by having more ideal patients rather than difficult patients in the program. By encouraging ART treatments for patients who are young, have had previous normal or ectopic pregnancies, regular menstrual cycles, limited or no prior treatment and have normal sperm factors, the advertised pregnancy rates can be increased. Many of these patients may have conceived with simpler, less intensive treatment.

Every patient has her own unique set of circumstances that will determine her prognosis for achieving a pregnancy.  

A realistic expected pregnancy rate is 30 - 40 % per cycle attempted. A patient may conceive in the 1st cycle or may require 3-4 attempts before she attains success.

If frozen embryos are available the cumulative pregnancy rate goes upto 65-70%.



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