This involves the administration of fertility drugs, monitoring
of the cycle, collection of eggs and culturing the eggs and sperm together
outside the woman's body in a culture dish or test-tube. Any resulting embryos
are left to grow and the best 2-3 embryos are then transferred into the woman's
womb. Any remaining embryos of good quality are frozen for future use.
The original indication for IVF/ ICSI was tubal damage, but it
is now used for a wide range of disorders such as unexplained infertility,
endometriosis, failure to conceive after many cycles of successful ovulation
induction with intrauterine insemination and male factor infertility
This procedure consists of 5 parts :
Administration of fertility drugs and monitoring of the cycle with USG &
blood hormone levels
Collection of eggs (day 0) and culturing the eggs and sperm together (after IVF
or ICSI) outside the woman's body in a culture dish/test-tube and
Transfer of the best 2-3 embryos into the woman's womb on day 3 or 5. Any
remaining embryos of good quality are frozen for future use.
Administration of drugs to encourage implantation of the embryos
Pregnancy test
The entire procedure takes 30 – 45 days, depending on the stimulation protocol
selected for the patient. The procedure has been divided into patient
procedures and laboratory procedures to enable the couple undergoing this
procedure to understand their role or involvement in the cycle.