The next day, each egg is evaluated for evidence of
fertilization. It takes about 18 hours for the egg to be fertilized. The first
sign of fertilization is the presence of two small dots inside the egg called
pronuclei- one from the sperm and one from the egg. The fertilized egg is
called a zygote. The eggs that have fertilized are allowed to develop for two
or more additional days.
About 12 hours later, the fertilized eggs start to divide into two cells, and
subsequently into four and so on. By day 3 the embryos have cleaved (divided)
into 6-10 cells and ready for replacement into the woman's uterus.
The transfer of several embryos increases the probability of
success. A multiple embryo
transfer also increases the risk of a multiple pregnancy. Embryos are
transferred on either day three or day five of development.
With 2 - 3 good embryos on day 3 we advise a day 3 transfer as
the pregnancy rate between day 3 and day 5 transfer remains the same.
40% of patients will not grow blastocysts
10% of the embryos that fail to develop to blastocysts in vitro may have done
so if replaced inside the womb on day 3
After 5-6 days the embryo advances in development and becomes a blastocyst.
Blastocyst transfer is claimed to be more physiological than cleaved-embryo
transfer as it mimics nature more closely.
The improved implantation rates following blastocyst transfer is
due to selection of the best embryos as it gives a better idea of the
competence of an embryo.
There should be atleast 4 good embryos on day 3 to benefit from
this procedure.
Blastocyst culture is indicated for :
Patients who had repeatedly failed to achieve a pregnancy following the
transfer of good quality cleaved embryos (If the growth of the embryos arrests
and they do not develop to blastocysts, this may indicate a potential egg
Patients who wish to achieve a pregnancy without the risk of high order
multiple pregnancy, Transfer of one or two blastocysts avoids multiple