The couple will be able to view the embryos through a monitor before the embryos
are replaced
The embryo transfer is a short procedure. There is generally
very little discomfort. The patient lies on the table with her feet in
stirrups. A speculum is inserted into the vagina to expose the cervix. The
cervix is cleaned with a little culture medium. One or more embryos suspended
in a drop of culture medium are loaded in a fine plastic catheter called
"embryo transfer catheter" with a syringe on one end. Gently and carefully, the
doctor guides the tip of the catheter through the vagina and cervix, and
deposits the embryos into the uterine cavity.
After the catheter is removed, it is handed over to the
embryologist who checks it to ensure that no embryos remain. All the embryos
replaced are transferred at the same time.
A successful pregnancy is related to the ease with which the
embryos are transferred into the womb.
A Dummy or
trial embryo transfer is usually performed before scheduling IVF.
If difficulties are anticipated the procedure is guided by ultrasound scan and
some women may need sedation or a general anaesthetic.
The extra embryos can be frozen and stored for future use.
Implantation begins three to four days later.
Once the eggs have been removed, the follicles start to produce
a hormone called progesterone to stimulate the endometrium to become thick and
prepare it for implantation. In addition, it reduces uterine contractions.
However, the amount of progesterone produced by the follicles is usually not
enough to support the lining of the uterus, especially if given
the agonist to achieve down-regulation. After the embryos are transferred
to the womb, the progesterone supplementation that begins on the evening of the
egg retrieval procedure continues for another 14-15 days to assist
Daily intramuscular injections e.g. Gestone
Daily oral tablets of Duphaston
Daily vaginal pessaries e.g. Cyclogest or Uterogestan
Daily vaginal gel e.g. Crinone
No intercourse or orgasms until the fetal heartbeat is seen on ultrasound, or
the pregnancy test is negative
No exercises / heavy lifting
No swimming, douching, using tampons or tub baths,
No smoking or alcohol
Do not take any other medications without our approval
You may return to normal activity and work after 2-3 days